NYSC Stops Posting Corp Members To Three Northern State

Brigadier -General Johnson Olawumi, Director General of the National Youth Service Corps on Wednesday, in Abuja, announced that the Federal Government has stopped posting corps members to North-East states under emergency rule.
The DG made this known when he appeared before members of the Committee on Civil Society, Labour, Youths and Sports of the national conference. Olawumi, who listed the affected states as Adamawa, Yobe and Borno, noted that corp members can only be posted to the states if the request comes from the corp member. "We have stopped sending corps members to the three troubled states in North-East under emergency rule. Surprisingly, some still demand to be posted there would get posted there. But nobody is forced to go there" he said. The DG, however, stressed that the agency would not stop any corp member who indicate interest in going to any of the three troubled states from doing so, but he reiterated that the state of emergency would continue until security improves in the affected states.

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