Money is Idea

Money is Idea
Understand this, whatever is it that you are taught in the higher institution, when you come out of this institution and you are to get a job; the only thing the certificate will do for you is to qualify you for a test or an interview.
All that you spent your nights, days, evenings for, all that it will do for you is to qualify you for a job interview.
The real things we need in life were not thought in school. Many graduated from school and begin to live a nonsensical life because they have no understanding of how to live their lives and succeed financially.
The mentality sold to us in school is “Graduate and look for job” what a slavery mentality!
You can never be richer or wealthier than the company you are working. Wealth is not classified by the number of cars, houses, clothes, petrol stations you have. The petrol station can be gutted. You must be wealthy financially.
The way this world is going, they are training us to become a slave. Collecting that certificate from school is what introduced us to a true world of slavery.
Robert Kiyosaki once said in his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” he said and I quote “If you want to be wealthy in life, don’t go to school” He said this to let you know that you should not emphasize on your certificate as the only avenue to making money, think of how you can break loose to make money without any certificate.
A professor threw a question to a class of pupils, he said “Who is an educated man?” some replied saying an educated man is the man that graduated from a higher institution, there was this gentle girl sitting down at the extreme. The professor walked gently to her and asked her, do you have an idea of what an educated man is?
The young girl replied saying “An educated man is a man that is useless, he knows a lot but he is useless. The professor was marveled.
The professor asked again “Who is a Professor?” she said “A Professor is a man that knows a lot about a small area of endeavor.
Know this, 95% of every graduate has the slavery mind of looking for job, it is only 5% that is determined and thinking how to create a job.
We look for job all in the name of security, anybody looking for security actually don’t have security. You wake up one day, say to yourself; let me look for a job so I can have security. You get the job and on an unfaithful day, the same company that employed you tells you “I don’t want you again” So, where is the security?
Money moves in cycle (current), you need to get connected to tap into it. The reason many people will never be rich is because they don’t know anything about money and wealth. Start reading, studying about anything you know about money.
Do you know that it is only 5% of the world population that is controlling the wealth of this world; it is this 5% that knows what the 95% don’t know about money. The bible confirms it “My people perishes for lack of knowledge”
What do you know about finance, capitalism, money? The only things we know is how to spend the money, buy shirt, CD player, iPAD, Tablet, Shoes etc.
Let me shock you with this, do you know that the 5% talked about are unbelievers? There is no prayer in this world that can make you wealthy. Money does not answer to prayer, it answers to knowledge and discipline.
Prayer can give you periodical access to money, it cannot give you wealth. Jacob became wealthy after God gave him knowledge. God told him “Can you cross-breed this animal?
Until you understand the how to be financially successful, forget it you may never be. The Bible says “The labor of a foolish man weary everybody because he does not know how.
Do you know how to be financially stable? To be, you need to have a good saving habit. Every spending spirit is a satanic spirit that wants you to be POOR. Every rich man knows how to save money. When you begin to save money, one day God will cause a problem for the gentiles that they will come to beg you to buy their expensive properties for a cheap price. The Bible confirms this “I will give you the riches of the gentiles.”
So, many of us don’t have saving’s culture. The language of money is “spend me”, change this language and imbibe savings culture.
Hear this; if you calculate the money you have spent on recharge card, it is enough to start a business. The money we expend to buy nonsensical things, designer shirt, eat nonsensical things, and buy recharge cards are enough to make you wealthy in life. Which of those designer shirts have made you wealthy in life? If you want to be wealthy, you need a good investment mentality.

There are two sources of income in life:
·         Direct or stationary income
·         Residual income
Stationary income is the income you receive from the company you work for. It is in equal proportion with your labor.
Residual Income is the income you generate from investment. Do you know that MTN said “If we are going to leave any country, we can’t leave Nigeria? Because the income they are generating in Nigeria is more than what they are generating in any other country.

Ways of investment:
Spiritual Investment: tithe your money, when you are a good tither, God will begin to give you some dynamic ideas that will spur you to generate inflows.
Physical investment: Invest your money on what will earn you residual income.

What is money?
Money is idea: the paper you are holding that you called money is never money. So, every idea God gives to you, never joke with it. Don’t look for money anywhere, Money is your gift and your gift is your wealth. Locate your area of gifting and sharpen it. Joseph’s gift took him to the palace through interpretation of dreams.

Money is problem: Every time you solve a problem, money locates you. Don’t see a problem and call it a problem, find a way to make money from it. Every time you see a problem, it is an avenue for you to make money, never complain about any problem saying the government is bad, capitalize on their weakness, bring out solutions and make money from it.

Money is information: the amounts of information we have in life determine the amount of wealth.

Money is people: every man you meet in life is potential money. Anybody you see comes your way, treat him/her gently, impart his life; he might be your helper. Be caring to all people you meet.

“Give wise advice, your advice can trap you”
“Money must never be more valuable than human beings."
Do you know that POOR is “Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly”

Tosin Ogunbadejo

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