See photos of abducted Chibok girls from new Boko Haram video

New video of dozens of abducted Chibok school girls has been released by Boko Haram. The girls, numbering about 130, said to be held at Sambisa forest, a border between Cameroon and Nigeria, are seen praying in Arabic in the video.

Photos: The End Result Of Butt Implant

You see this is why you should leave your ass the way it is, lol. The pictures after the cut

Be Careful So That Foreign Help Won’t Cause Nigeria’s Division… Labour Leaders Tell Jonathan

Trade Union Congress president, Mr. Bobboi Kaigama
The Chief Economist of the NLC, Dr. Peter Ozo-Esan, and the President of the TUC, Mr. Bobboi Kaigama have warned the Federal Government to be careful while accepting foreign help. They said even though it is very necessary for them to accept foreign help at this point, they also need to be very careful, so that foreigners won’t get an understanding of the nation’s security system to cause a division. Click below to read what they told Punch.

We Will Find Missing Girls Soon- President Jonathan + Isreal To Send Anti- Terrorism Experts

Find the State house press release below:

Video: I'm ''Tired'' Of Talking About The Kidnapped Girls- Ngozi Okonjo Iweala

A reporter from ABC News met with the Minister of Finance, Mrs Ngozi Okonjo Iweala shortly after she left the World Economic Forum in Abuja and asked what the Government was doing about the kidnapped Chibok the video to see what she said.

But in all honesty, I just think madam was exhausted and didn't mean the word ''tired'' like a lot of people have misinterpreted it online.  She didn't mean it people.

Photo: Woman Dumps Day Old Baby At Bus Stop

A baby who appears to be a day old has been found at Abule Onigbagbo bus stop in Ikeja.

Photos: Police Allegedly Shoots Young Contractor Dead In Festac

Oyoma Edewor, a 33 year old building contractor was allegedly shot dead Saturday evening in Festac town by a police officer identified as Sgt. Otene.

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