See photos of abducted Chibok girls from new Boko Haram video

New video of dozens of abducted Chibok school girls has been released by Boko Haram. The girls, numbering about 130, said to be held at Sambisa forest, a border between Cameroon and Nigeria, are seen praying in Arabic in the video.

In the video, Boko Haram leader said he's ready to do a deal to free some or all the girls. He said;
"The girls you occupy yourselves with, we have liberated them...they are now Muslims. We will never release them unless our brethren are released. It's been 4/5 years you held our brethren and torturing them..and now you talk about these girls. Those who accept the faith, we'll treat them well. We will not release the girls until you free our brothers"
Abubakar Shekau mentioned that the girls have been converted to Islam. The girls are believed to be held in six different locations.
Watch the video below..

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