Victoria Kimani puts her sexy curves on display in new pictures

Chocolate City‘s Victoria Kimani has released a stylish new photoshoot. The rapper who recently shot the music video for her track “M’toto” with M.I. Abaga, shows-off her figure in a corset as well as figure hugging dresses.

The victims of Flight MH17: First pictures of passengers who perished as Putin blames Ukraine for death of 298 innocent souls

Flight MH17, a Boeing 777-200 aircraft on its way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, exploded into flames at 33,000ft as it was hit by a sophisticated surface-to-air missile over territory near Donetsk held by pro-Russian rebels. Dutch authorities have said that at least nine Britons, 154 Dutch, 27 Australians were among the dead. The nationalities of 41 people on board have not been confirmed. As shocking pictures of bodies and debris emerged, the tragedy sparked a full-blown international crisis last night, increasing tension between Moscow and Washington.
More crashed pics below:

Fighting Boko Haram Policy! Schooling At Home, Containers, Tents Suggested For Students In Borno, Yobe, Others

Borno State Governor, Alhaji Kashim Shettima yesterday revealed that 900 schools have been destroyed and 176 teachers killed in the last 3years by members of Boko Haram in the State. He made this announcement yesterday during the inaugural meeting of the Steering Committee of the Safe Schools Initiative which is aimed at ensuring a smooth implementation of the safe school project.

Mehn! Gotze is Hot!!

Photos: Hollywood Celebrities Dazzle on the 2014 ESPY Awards Red Carpet

Chris Brown
It was time to celebrate excellence in sports last night at the 22nd annual, 2014 ESPY Awards which held at Nokia Theatre L.A. Drake presided as the host and Hollywood’s hottest stars came out for the event, including Chris Brown, Keri Hilson, Cameron Diaz, Jessica Alba, and more. See more pics of the ESPYs red carpet...

Oche Clifford A.K.A Miss Sahhara’s Busted By His Nigerian Schoolmates At Benue State University

Mimi got this write up from some one who claims that he knows Nigeria’s popular transgender Miss Sahhara from way back when she attended Benue state University and was still a man! The guy who sent in the gist goes by the name Jude Ochene, and he is spilling the tea on what he knows about our beautiful Miss Sahhara…

Oche Clifford Not A Hermaprodite
We pulled down his trouser at Benue State University to confirm if he had a female organ but he doesn’t.
Oche Clifford’s white gay lover got him a visa to the UK
Oche Clifford Use To Have Mental Problem
Here is an article written by Oche Clifford’s former classmate in Benue state University:

Wizkid Confirms He Recorded A Song With Rihanna

Wizkid did not only just take pictures with Rihanna when he was in the US, the young star also recorded a song with her. Speaking today on the Beat 99.9fm via the telephone with Toolz, the singer confirmed it. 

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