American security experts may hit Abuja today

The team of US experts may arrive in Abuja on Thursday to start active assistance with the abducted girls rescue operation.
Punch made this known referring to a reliable source at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport (NAIA).
When asked to comment the claim and to say if he is sure about the arrival, the source revealed: More after the cut...

"Yes, I will call you once they land at the airport. The fight against terror in Nigeria is gathering momentum and the information I have is that the security experts are likely to come with an American flight. As of today (Wednesday), they (security experts) have not arrived; those that we saw are delegates and officers of the WEF."

He also dwelt upon the resources to be deployed by the foreign authorities saying that the US could send the troops and equipment from the US Drone Base in Niger, the Gulf of Guinea, and other bases in Africa, while additional staff and equipment could be sent from the homeland.

"You think that the Americans are coming in next week? Who says so? They have all the elements in the various bases they have in Africa. They can do their deployment in hours."

It would be recalled that more than 230 girls were abducted in the April 14 night raid on Chibok school, Borno State.
The leader of the dreaded Islamic sect  Boko Haram Abubakar Shekau claimed responsibility for the kidnap in the video released 3 weeks after the incident. He said now he owned the girls and would sell them in the market.
Meanwhile the tragedy has caused international rage and concern, with many countries, including USA, China, France, UK suggesting their help in the search process.

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