French auto giant to begin local vehicle assembly operations in Nigeria

French automobile manufacturer, CFAO Automotive Group, on Thursday in Abuja said it was making necessary logistic arrangements to begin vehicle assembly operations in the country....»»»»»»
A statement by the National Automotive Council (NAC) quoted the Managing Director of CFAO, Mr Olivier Levigne, as saying this during a visit to the Director-General of the council, Mr Aminu Jalal.

According to the statement signed by Mr Bello Rasheed, the Principal Executive Officer, Information of the council, Levigne said that the company would engage in local assembly of Mitsubishi and Fuso light trucks and pickups.
Levigne said that the company’s workshop and warehouses on its 15,000 square metre land at Amuwo Odofin Industrial Area, Lagos, was now being converted into a vehicle assembly line.

The CFAO boss solicited the support of the council as well as an enabling environment“in this new automotive industrial venture”.
In his remark, the NAC boss commended CFAO for taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the Federal Government under the Nigerian Automotive Industrial Development Plan (NAIDP) for smooth local manufacturing of vehicles.

Jalal assured his guest that government had put in place appropriate fiscal measures, incentives and conducive business environment for investors under the automotive development plan.

“All these facilities are meant to guarantee the survival, growth and sustainable development of the automotive industry in Nigeria,”the statement quoted him as saying. (NAN)
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