Conman impersonates Uti Nwachukwu to dupe, obtain nude pictures

Few months after Actress Doris Simon cried foul over an impersonator duping innocent and ignorant persons via BBM, media personality Uti Nwachukwu has become the target of same conman. According to the Presenter and model, “Someone is seriously impersonating me on bbm!!! Apparently, he follows me on twitter and Instagram and that’s how he gets photos and what to update on his BBM. He adds girls and then promises them a deal with brands like Peak milk and Samsung! “Then he asks them to send 60k to his account and nude photos so he can be sure they are hot enough for the job’’ Uti told Movie moments. Elaborating further on the activities of the conman, he said, “Some girls send their nudes (why would anyone even do that in this modern day and time!!! All because they feel it’s Uti and why would you send money or nudes to someone you have not VIDEO chatted with?!!!! Jeez!!! When they realize it’s the fake Uti and refuse to send him money, he now blackmails them that if they do not send the money, he will release their photos online. “Facebook closed his accounts under my name and he keeps reopening it and getting Victims. “Please you need to inform girls because this guy will use this thing to rape a lot of good looking desperate girls posing under the image of “The PR from Uti Nwachukwu deal” the Martini Ambassador concluded.

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