OBAMA: Putin Is 'Entirely Misreading American Foreign Policy'

 President Barack Obama said in an interview Friday that Russian President Vladimir Putin is "misreading American foreign policy" and the West with respect to the Ukrainian crisis, as Russia continues to amass troops along the Ukrainian border.
"He may be entirely misreading the West," Obama said in an interview from Rome with CBS' Scott Pelley. "He's certainly misreading American foreign policy. We have no interest in encircling Russia and we have no interest in Ukraine beyond letting the Ukrainian people make their own decisions about their own lives."

The iPhone 6 Is Coming In September And It Will Be In Two Sizes With A Higher-Resolution Screen

Apple will release the iPhone 6 in September, according to a report in the Nikkei Asian Review.
It said suppliers of the iPhone’s screens are set to ramp up production to hit the September release.
Nikkei said the iPhone would come in two screen sizes, 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch.
Right now, Apple’s iPhone 5 and........

What Is Wrong With This Photo?



PHOTO: LASU Student, Killed And Dumped At Ijesha Lagos

A 300 level Economics student of the Lagos State University (LASU) identified as Miss Rita Onwuli, has been murdered by unknown persons in Lagos.
Her lifeless body was found near a church at the Odo Olowu Street, Ijeshatedo, on the Apapa – Oshodi Expressway, Lagos.
According to report,....

Malaysia Acting Transport Minister, Hishammuddin Hussein Response to Search For Flight 370

Malaysia Acting Transport Minister said just now in a press interview that: We can’t answer basic question families want answered. Some relatives of Chinese passengers flew to Kuala Lumpur to demand answers. We cannot stray from the focus of finding the plane. Malaysia has not said plane crashed into Indian Ocean with no survivors. Ten Planes, 11 Ships scouring the missing plane.

US Lawmakers See No Evidence Of Terrorism In Malaysia Jet Crash

Senior U.S. lawmakers on Sunday said investigators had found no evidence thus far pointing to terrorism in the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 three weeks ago, and that it was critical to find the plane to understand what happened on board.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein, speaking on Sunday talk shows, said they had seen no evidence of foul play.

See The ‘Madman’ caught with human tongue, weapons At Ibadan (Photo)

This Man was allegedly caught with human tongue, gun and cutlass around the popular Ring Road area of the city.

According to reports, residents of Ibadan rushed to catch a glimpse of the suspected human eater. The suspect was, however, whisked away by armed policemen to avert jungle justice....

See The Crazy Man Gets A Fork Stuck In His Throat After Swallowing It For A Bet [Photo]

Doctors have refused to operate on a Romanian man who has a fork stuck in his throat after swallowing it for a bet. Radu Calincescu, 25, complained to doctors of pain and an uncomfortable feeling when he swallowed, but neglected to mention that he had also swallowed a fork earlier in the day.

Latest Information On The Search For Missing Malaysia Flight 370

Australia announced Friday that the search area for the Malaysia Airlines jet that disappeared March 8 has shifted to a new Indian Ocean region, 1,100 kilometers (680 miles) to the northeast of where planes and ships had been trying to find any sign of it.


Here's How To Pack A Suit Without Getting It Wrinkled

Men have two goals when they pack— the first goal is to economize space while still having enough clothing to keep up appearances. 
The second is to pack in a way that is best for your clothing; essentially, in a manner that will limit the possibility of creasing, wrinkling, stress and stains.
Before we get into how to pack your wardrobe, let’s first go over a few facts that will help you keep your expectations reasonable when packing and unpacking.
First, packing is not a perfect art, it is impossible to pack, travel and unpack and not have any creases or wrinkles in any of your clothing. One of the most important things to do is the make sure things stay in place. When they are able to shift around a likelihood of creases (and thus ironing) increases.
Second, not all textiles are created equal. Certain fabrics will crease more easily than others. For instance, linen will crease just by looking at it, whereas wool is a bit hardier. Also as part of this, it is important to realize that heavier weight fabrics crease less easily than lighter weight ones. For instance, a heavy wool flannel suit will rarely crease whereas a tropical wool suit will crease relatively easily.
Third, garment bags are a waste of money. You can pack your suit, shoes and shirts in your normal suitcase and they will emerge in a similar, if not a better state.

Congress Just Voted To Punish Russia And Send Aid To Ukraine

Both the House of Representatives and Senate passed measures on Thursday that will provide aid to Ukraine and impose sanctions on Russian officials.
The Senate approved its version of the legislation by voice vote Thursday. Soon after, the House passed a slightly different version by a 399-19 vote. The Senate's legislation was modified after Senate Democratic leaders agreed to drop a controversial provision containing reforms to the International Monetary Fund, which led to Republican opposition that prevented the bill from passing for weeks.
According to congressional aides, talks were ongoing about a reconciliation of the differing versions of the legislation. If all goes well, a final version could be on President Barack Obama's desk by Thursday night.
The passage of legislation in Congress serves as a show of solidarity with Obama, who has called for a unified global response to theUkrainian crisis. Obama has already announced two rounds of sanctions againstRussian officials, including some against members of Putin's inner circle last week.
Both the House and Senate versions of the bills include a $1 billion loan guarantee to Ukraine's new government. The Senate version includes $150 million in direct aid, and both include sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian officials directly involved in the crisis.
The loan had been promised to the new Ukrainian government by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry During a trip to Kiev more than three weeks ago.
"The House took another step today to strengthen Ukraine and sanction those responsible for undermining its sovereignty. In doing so, we have provided the president additional tools to punish Vladimir Putin, his cronies, and the institutions that support them," House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement after the House vote.

New Japanese Satellite Images Show Debris Field That May Be From Missing Airliner

Japanese satellite images have shown around 10 floating objects off Australia, possibly from missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, media reports quoted the government as saying Friday.
The objects were spotted in waters roughly 2,500 kilometres (1,550 miles) southwest of Perth, Kyodo and Jiji news agencies said.

Teenager Wins $70,000 Settlement After School Viewed Her Facebook Profile

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — The Minnewaska School District and a girl represented by the American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota have settled a lawsuit that claimed school officials violated the student's constitutional rights by viewing her Facebook and email accounts without permission.
The school district has agreed to pay $70,000 to settle the 2012 case involving former Minnewaska Area Middle School sixth-grader, Riley Stratton, now 15 years old.
According to the lawsuit, Stratton was given detention after posting disparaging comments about a teacher's aide on her Facebook page, even though she was at home and not using school computers. The ACLU also said administrators viewed her online conversations with a boy because of a complaint the two were using computers to talk about sex.
"It was believed the parent had given permission to look at her cellphone," Minnewaska Superintendent Greg Schmidt said Tuesday. But Schmidt said the district lacked did not have a signed consent from the parent. That is now a policy requirement, he said.
Stratton said she is happy the case is over and that the school has changed its rules. She said the experience was embarrassing and hard to go through, but that schools elsewhere will hear about the case and will not punish other students the way she was disciplined.
Stratton fell behind on schoolwork because she was too distraught and embarrassed to attend school, according to the lawsuit, which sought unspecified damages and an order that would stop school officials from attempts to regulate or discipline students based on speech made outside of school hours and off school property.
Schmidt said the fact that the posting occurred at home was a factor in settling the case.
"There's lots of questions about whether schools should discipline kids for things that happen out of school," he said.
The $70,000 settlement will be divided between the Strattons, for damages, and the ACLU of Minnesota.


Heart Attack: How Your Body Warns You Days Before

These 4 Things Happen Right Before a Heart Attack

Despite what you may believe, heart attacks rarely happen “out of the blue.”

In fact, your body may be trying to warn you of an impending heart attack for days, weeks, perhaps even a month or two before it occurs. Unfortunately, by the time you actually recognize you’re suffering a heart attack; it could be too late to prevent death or debilitating heart damage.

So-called silent heart attacks, with signs and symptoms that are mild or seem unrelated to the heart, have long concerned cardiovascular expert Dr. Chauncey Crandall. So Dr. Crandall recently created a special free video presentation about the four most sinister warning signs to watch for.

Statistics show

2014: The Best Airports In The World

Changi Airport in Singapore.

Skytrax has just released the results of its annual WorldAirport Awards, and once again, Singapore's Changi Airport has taken the top spot.
It's no surprise that Changi took the number one spot. The international transit hub has incredible amenities, like a butterfly garden, rooftop pool, movie theaters, hotels, spas, and showers, and even a four-story slide.
Skytrax bases its rankings on 12.85 million customer nominations across 110 nationalities, and includes 410 airports worldwide. It incorporates passenger satisfaction across nearly 40 categories, from service and shopping to security and immigration.
All of the airports that were commended last year made the 2014 list, but in a slightly different order.

Here's A Photo Of Obama Meeting Pope Francis For The First Time

President Barack Obama held a historic first meeting Thursday morning with Pope Francis at the Vatican, on the fourth day of his week-long trip through Europe.
The two world leaders smiled and greeted each other with a handshake, according to a White House pool report of the meeting.
Wonderful meeting you," Obama said, according to the pool report. "Thank you sir, thank you."
"It is a great honor. I'm a great admirer," he added. "Thank you so much for receiving me."
In many ways, Pope Francis' still-rising popularity on the world stage mirrors the standing of Obama in 2008, when he was first campaigning for president. In its preview of Obama's trip, the White House said Obama looked forward to discussing their "shared commitment to fighting poverty and growing inequality," issues that have been embraced by the Pope in his first year.
The admiration for Pope Francis runs wide in Washington. Earlier this month, House Speaker John Boehner invited the pope to address a joint session of Congress sometime in the near future. The pope has a 76 percent approval rating with Americans, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday.

Our Presidential System Of Government Breeds Corrupt Leaders — Soyinka

Nobel Laureate Prof. Wole Soyinka, yesterday took a swipe at the presidential system of government being practiced in Nigeria, describing it as a model that breeds corrupt leaders.

He also regretted that those who were not elected bulldoze their ways into public offices under the present structure of governance.
Soyinka, who was among the panelists at the inaugural Public Service Debate convened by the Saint John’s Forum, titled: Will Nigeria Be Better Served By A Parliamentary System of Government?,  spoke in Lagos.
The event, which also had former Minister of External Affairs, Mr. Odein Ajumogobia, Deputy Senate President, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, who was represented by Prof Okechukwu Okoh, Dr. Abduraufu Mustapha as panelists, was moderated by former Commonwealth Secretary General, Chief Emeka Anyaoku.
Soyinka further stressed the need for a public discourse on the structure of government that can guarantee fair representation of Nigerians, adding that the public became critiques of the  presidential system of government because it is close to kleptomania.
In addition, he argued that  unlike parliamentary democracy,  the current system of government in Nigeria, is prone to manipulation.
According to Soyinka: ‘’Parliament reminds me of the organization that I belong to, the international parliament of writers. The organization does not make law and does not belong to any constituency. Whatever system of government you operate, is determined by so many factors. There is a straight line between dishonourable members and what Nigeria is going through.  Yerima is one of those that make laws but he defiles the law. We need a public discourse on a structure that guarantees representation of the people. Those who were never elected bulldoze their ways to the hallowed House.
‘’You can’t say that after the civil war, people can’t examine the protocol that bind them. The cost of democracy in the two systems, which is cheaper and less open to manipulation? Which one encourages corruption? The public became critiques of the presidential system because it is close to kleptomania. Presidential system breeds corrupt leaders.’’

Ex-Ukraine Leader Tymoshenko Faces Heat For Comments About Nuking Russians

Ukraine's former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko was plunged into fresh controversy on Tuesday after Russian television broadcast a tape where she is heard urging the "wiping out" of Russians over Moscow's seizure of Crimea.
Tymoshenko, a hugely controversial figure both in Ukraine and Russia who was released from jail last month, confirmed the voice was hers but said some of the comments had been manipulated.
"This really crosses all the boundaries," Tymoshenko is heard to say in the leaked phone call posted on YouTube and broadcast extensively on Russian television Monday.
"One has to take up arms and go wipe out these damn 'katsaps' together with their leader," the voice said in Russian, without mentioning Putin by name.
The word "katsap" is a derogatory Ukrainian term for Russians.
During the conversation, Tymoshenko is said to discuss Russia's seizure of Ukraine's Russian-speaking peninsula of Crimea with Ukrainian MP and former government official Nestor Shufrych.
Tymoshenko, who spent three years in jail on what her supporters say were politically motivated charges of abuse of power before being freed last month, said if she were in power Moscow would not be able to take the peninsula.
"I am sorry that I am not able to be there and am not in charge of these processes, they wouldn't have had a fucking chance of getting Crimea off me."
"I would have found a way to finish off these bastards," the 53-year-old leader of the 2004 pro-democracy Orange revolution was heard as saying.
"I am hoping that I will use all my connections and will get the whole world to rise up so that not even scorched earth would be left of Russia."
Discussing the fate of Ukraine's eight million ethnic Russians with Shufrych, Tymoshenko was also heard as saying that they should be "nuked".


Obama Just Gave His Most Direct Public Rebuke Of Vladimir Putin

President Barack Obama delivered his most direct, public rebuke of Russia and President Vladimir Putin in Belgium on Wednesday, during the most high-profile address of his weeklong European trip.
Obama's speech in Brussels served as a direct plea to Europe for a unified response to Russian aggression in Ukraine, in addition to the sanctions that have already been laid out. He said the West was not entering into another Cold War with Russia, but he described some of Putin's recent actions as having stirred up the "darker forces of the past."
"Make no mistake, neither the United States nor Europe has any interest in controlling Ukraine," Obama said during the speech. "Understand as well, this is not another Cold War that we're entering into. After all, unlike the Soviet Union, Russia leads no bloc of nations, no global ideology. The United States and NATO do not seek any conflict with Russia."
During the nearly 40-minute long speech, Obama made the case to Europe that tough sanctions — perhaps even some inflicting potential harm on their own economies — are the best way to respond to Russian aggression.
Obama's speech looked at the implications of the Ukrainian crisis in a broader context. He said Ukrainians had been determined to get their country back from what was a "corrupt" government, and he made a veiled comparison of Russia's actions to the events that sparked previous World Wars.
"To be honest, if we defined our interests narrowly, with a cold-hearted calculus, we might decide to look the other way," he said. "Our economy is not deeply integrated with Ukraine’s. Our people and our homeland face no direct threat from the invasion of Crimea. Our own borders are not threatened by Russia’s annexation. But that kind of casual indifference would ignore the lessons that are written in the cemeteries of this continent."
Obama concluded by providing a defense of U.S. intervention in Iraq a decade ago. Obama opposed the war as a U.S. senator, loudly campaigned against it in 2008, and immediately developed plans to draw down troop presence from Iraq as president. However, he said it was foolish to compare U.S. actions in Iraq to Russia's actions in Ukraine.
"Russia has pointed to America’s decision to go into Iraq as an example of Western hypocrisy. It is true that the Iraq War was a subject of vigorous debate — not just around the world, but in the United States as well. I happened to oppose our military intervention there," Obama said. "But even in Iraq, America sought to work within the international system. We did not claim or annex Iraq’s territory, nor did we grab its resources for our own gain. Instead, we ended our war and left Iraq to its people and a fully sovereign Iraqi state could make decisions about its own future.

3 Watches You Should Wear If You Want To Impress People

When a man flashes his cuff and his watch is revealed, what does it say about him? Classic men's jewelry that is sophisticated without going over the top falls into two categories: a wedding ring and a great watch.

NTSB: CTA operator admitted falling asleep before O’Hare crash

The National Transportation Safety Board says the operator of the CTA Blue Line train that crashed at O’Hare Airport has admitted falling asleep at the controls. And Monday was not the first time it happened. NTSB investigators are in Chicago to determine what caused the crash that injured 32 people. The NTSB says the train operator was cooperative and forthcoming in her interview. She was hired in April of 2013 but had only been running trains for the past 60 days. In Feburary she dozed off and overshot a station so that it was unsafe to open car doors. The CTA admonished her but she was allowed to continue working. On Monday she was coming to the end of her shift which would take her back and forth on the Blue Line between Logan Square and O’Hare. She told investigators that she overslept before her shift started and that she was running late to work. She was not taking any medication at the time of the crash, and she says she woke up upon impact. That impact has caused $6 million of equipment damage that investigators know of so far. The NTSB has more work to do to determine how she spent her time outside of work and her level of responsibility. Investigators say her erratic schedule could have been the problem behind falling asleep twice. No comment from the CTA, but a spokesperson indicated that the agency may provide an update to the media a little later. There are a lot of unanswered questions on the CTA’s end so far.

Rihanna to be Honored with CFDA Fashion Icon Award

Rihanna earned an icon award at the American Music Awards last year. Now she’s receiving a similar honor from the fashion world.

The Council of Fashion Designers of America, Inc., announced Monday that the 26-year-old pop star will receive the CFDA Fashion Icon Award on June 2 in New York City.

The award is given to one whose style has made a tremendous impact on pop culture around the world. Past recipients include Lady Gaga, Iman, Kate Moss and Nicole Kidman.

The 2014 CFDA Fashion Awards will be held at Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall.

Rihanna will launch a three-date co-headlining tour with Eminem on Aug. 8 in Los Angeles. The artists have collaborated on the No. 1 hits "The Monster" and "Love the Way You Lie."


Which Pic is More Racist Though?

Lol... ROTFLMAO.....

18 Things You Didn’t Know About Robert Mugabe

1. Robert Mugabe, 89, is undoubtedly a controversial figure, but many are familiar only with the details of his most public life. Both his childhood and adult life are filled with surprises, many of which influenced decisions during his numerous terms as Zimbabwe’s president.

18 Things You Didn’t Know About Robert Mugabe

1. Robert Mugabe, 89, is undoubtedly a controversial figure, but many are familiar only with the details of his most public life. Both his childhood and adult life are filled with surprises, many of which influenced decisions during his numerous terms as Zimbabwe’s president.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19Next Page >> 

ources: CNN.com, PolicyMic.com, FunTrivia.com, Afri-Culture.com, Wikipedia.org, Pbs.org, Rense.com, Slate.com, Citypress.co.za, Books.google.ps

Elizabeth Raine: Medical student plans to auction her virginity

The student says 'potential sums involved are too large to be dismissed'

A medical student in the US is auctioning her virginity online, having been inspired by the figures offered to Natalie Dylan, who received bids of $3.7 million dollars (£.2.2million) for hers in 2009.
The student, who has adopted the name Elizabeth Raine to conceal her true identity, has set up a website for prospective bidders to learn more about her and place bids. The auction will open on 1 April.
Raine is offering the winning bidder a 12-hour date and the opportunity to take her virginity in a deal she describes as "primarily financially motivated".

Conman impersonates Uti Nwachukwu to dupe, obtain nude pictures

Few months after Actress Doris Simon cried foul over an impersonator duping innocent and ignorant persons via BBM, media personality Uti Nwachukwu has become the target of same conman. According to the Presenter and model, “Someone is seriously impersonating me on bbm!!! Apparently, he follows me on twitter and Instagram and that’s how he gets photos and what to update on his BBM. He adds girls and then promises them a deal with brands like Peak milk and Samsung! “Then he asks them to send 60k to his account and nude photos so he can be sure they are hot enough for the job’’ Uti told Movie moments. Elaborating further on the activities of the conman, he said, “Some girls send their nudes (why would anyone even do that in this modern day and time!!! All because they feel it’s Uti and why would you send money or nudes to someone you have not VIDEO chatted with?!!!! Jeez!!! When they realize it’s the fake Uti and refuse to send him money, he now blackmails them that if they do not send the money, he will release their photos online. “Facebook closed his accounts under my name and he keeps reopening it and getting Victims. “Please you need to inform girls because this guy will use this thing to rape a lot of good looking desperate girls posing under the image of “The PR from Uti Nwachukwu deal” the Martini Ambassador concluded.

7 Clichés You Should Never Use In A Job Interview

One of the main goals to achieve during a job interview is to make yourself stand out among other applicants vying for the same position as you. There are an infinite number of ways to represent yourself, so stay away from these cringe-worthy clichés.

NOW WATCH: 8 Things You Should Never Say In A Job Interview

The Truth About 'The Most Interesting Man In The World'

The Most Interesting Man In The World
For over 40 years, Jonathan Goldsmith worked as a journeyman actor with hundreds of IMDB credits to his name.
In 2006, he booked the role of a lifetime: the spokesperson for a Dos Equis beer campaign that soon made him known to millions as "The Most Interesting Man in the World." Goldsmith lived and worked in Hollywood for years, but now prefers the quiet life with his wife Barbara and their two dogs in Vermont. Goldsmith talked to Business Insider about how he landed the role that turned him into a cultural icon.

How To Make Your Flight Attendant Like You

Maybe you don’t want to please your cabin crew next time you fly.

I know, I know, it’s their job to be nice, you're the customer, they're the employee.

But if you're good to them, they'll be extra nice to you. So here's how to charm them. Read More After the Cut....

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 search grows, pilots

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went down over the southern Indian Ocean, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said Monday, citing a new analysis of satellite data by a British satellite company and accident investigators.

The announcement appeared to rule out the possibility that anyone could have survived whatever happened to the aircraft, which vanished more than two weeks ago with 239 people aboard.

As Razak spoke, airline representatives met with family members in Beijing. “They have told us all lives are lost,” one relative of a missing passenger told CNN.

The developments happened the same day as Australian officials announced they had spotted two objects in the southern Indian Ocean that could be related to the flight, which has been missing since March 8 with 239 people aboard.

One object is “a grey or green circular object,” and the other is “an orange rectangular object,” the Australian Maritime Safety Authority said.

Nicole Murphy still flaunting her 47 year old banging body

She's a mother of five and nearly 50 years old.


Primate Ayodele's prophecies for D'banj, Davido, Okonjo-Iweala

Prophets now prophesying about celebs? I thought it was government officials and situations in the country?
Anyway, Primate Ayodele, the head of Inri Evangelical Spiritual Church, (pictured top) whose predictions are said to always come to past, recently shared his prophecies for 2014 and mentioned Davido and D'banj.

About Davido, he said the singer needs to be a bit more careful and increase security around himself and his crew as a kidnap attempt is in the offing. Once again, we forbid this.

About D'banj, the prophet said he needs to be very careful or he would be defrauded over a foreign business deal.

About the Finance Minister & coordinating Minister for the Economy, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Primate Ayodele said she might bow out of office before the end of this administration.


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