Money Turns Me On - Actress Lizzy Gold Onuwaje

Lizzy Gold Onuwaje is Miss Detlta State 2006 turned actress. Here is what she told Vanguard about men and wealth
“My former affair didn’t crash because I went into acting. The basic truth is, he doesn’t have money, so I decided to end the relationship. I dumped him in 2013 because he didn’t have much in terms of money and he didn’t have any push as my kind of man.
I like men that are caring. You have to be rich, caring, romantic and nice.
Some men are rich but stingy. Be rich and be willing to spend the money. If I tell you I need anything, let me get the alert. I like alerts (Laughs). Alerts turn me on.
Of course, if you don’t have money, don’t even bother to call my line; don’t even bother to admire my pictures (Laughs). I love money so much.
I can’t marry a poor man. Never! I need a rich man; I don’t want a man that is a bit okay. Money means a lot to me, in fact, money turns me on. I just need to imagine so much money in my account and I’m turned on. When I get a credit alert on my account, Oh my God, I get turned on immediately.

Jonathan Celebrates Peoples Defection from PDP

 President Goodluck Jonathan says the defection of some governors, legislators and their supporters to the All Progressive Congress (APC) is a good omen for the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), pointing out that since their defection, the PDP has been waxing stronger.
Addressing PDP supporters at the North-central solidarity rally held at the Trade Fair Complex in Minna, Niger State, the President described the defectors as retrogressive.
If some people have been with the PDP for 14 years and now they said they are leaving for progressive, the question is where are they progressing to? It means in past 14 years, they have been involved in retrogressive activities in the PDP and were problems to us and you will agree with me that now that these retrogressive elements have left, PDP will progress more,” he said.
Jonathan called on Nigerians, especially PDP supporters, not to be frightened by anybody who uses the media to preach violence but to be focus on what PDP has done for the country in the past years.
Vice President Namadi Sambo, in his brief remark, thanked the people of North-central for their support for the PDP in past years and called on them to remain loyal and dedicated to the party.

PHOTO: I Warned the Armed Robbers Not to Use it for Evil – Herbalist laments

 It’s somewhat hard to believe but a well-known herbalist, Emmanuel America, who lives in Owhawha village in Delta State has denied having knowledge of the activities of armed robbers who patronize him.
Mr. America, who was arrested after he was accused of using supernatural means to fortify men of the underworld against bullet shots and other operational hazards.
America, 44, met his waterloo when a gang of arrested armed robbers led a crack team of detectives to him as there ‘juju’ man.
Read the Tribune reports below:
The confessions of the trio, Mr Johnson Samuel Rarire (32), Mr Ovinne Ikwweki (37) and Mr Garba Mohammed (23), after they were caught with a Honda CRV with registration number BZ 115 RSH belonging to one Mrs Ekpesu Celestina, led to the discovery and eventual arrest of the self-confessed herbalist.
Mr Johnson was the driver of the snatched jeep while Mr Ikpeki was a welder. Both are from Delta State while Mr Mohammed hails from Zamfara State.
The jeep was reportedly snatched from Mrs Ekpesu at gun point along Chevron Clinic Road, opposite DBS, Warri at about 6 p.m on March 1.
According to the police, during the parade of the suspects last Monday, Mrs Ekpesu’s 18-year-old son struggled with one of the robbers, but was lucky not to have been shot by the gun-carrying bandits. The boy received much beatings for daring the robbers than Mrs Ekepsu, who was also manhandled.
Mr America, while speaking with journalists, claimed he was not part of the gang, but head of his village’s vigilance group. “It was a surprise o. It was somebody that involved me in this nonsense o,” he said.
The suspect, who was all tears, claimed that a boy that he knew about two weeks came to inform him that he was eased of his job and that he should help him restore it through his magical powers.
“I just did some herbs that I mixed together, the one used to protect oneself from gunshots and dagger wounds. When I did the medicine, I warned them that if they use it to do any bad thing, they are on their own,” the herbalist narrated.
When asked what the charm could do, Mr America, said “it’s just that when somebody shoots you with gun, the bullet will not enter your body. That was the medicine I did for them.”
He denied that he was aware of what they wanted to use the charm for, warning his fellow herbalists to be wary of concocting charms for unknown customers.
Mohammed said he only joined the gang on January 23 and did so to eke some living, given the economic hardship in the country. “I know what they were doing but they said I should join them and get some money, so that I can get a house to stay because where I lived was not good enough,” Mohammed, who had been in Warri for 10 years, lamented.

PHOTOS: Lady Died By Jumping Into Aya River in Ogoja, Cross River, Nigeria

A lady in her early 30s simply identified as Miss Patience yesterday morning jumped from Abakpa bridge into the Aya River and died before rescuers could bring her out of the river.
Eye witnesses said, a motor cyclist carried her from Igoli and on reaching the Abakpa bridge, she asked to be stopped, while she paid her fare leaving the bike man to look for change her, she then moved closer to the bridge rails and allowed herself fall over.
Before the people around could be alerted and her body brought out, she was already dead.
Reasons for her actions were not immediately clear but it’s gathered that her mother is a Yoruba lady who sales kerosene along Yala Street in Igoli Ogoja.

PHOTOS: Two Gay Busted Doing It In A Hotel Room

The two dudes booked lodging in Jinja during the day. After about 20 minutes, the caretaker started hearing sexual moans and he had no option other than to call the police.

According to Uganda’s new law, it is illegal and punishable not to report any gay activity. When the police broke into the room, they busted the guy wearing the short sleeved checked shirt seriously working on the guy in boxers… They are now in police custody.
The president of Uganda already passed the anti-gay law bill, giving life imprisonment to anyone found practicing such act.

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