Akwa Ibom: Mother Sells Three Day Old Baby for N260,000

According to a report by Punch, a nursing mother in Akwa Ibom named Imaobong Udoh (pictured above) has been arrested for allegedly selling her 3-day old baby girl for N260,000. Full report below
Also arrested along with Imaobong were four persons for allegedly participating in the theft of the baby.
They are the buyer, Mrs. Regina James; her husband, Mfon James; the traditional birth attendant who delivered the baby, Mrs. Comfort Henry; and Mr Emmanuel Okon, a homeopathic doctor, who arranged the sale.
Commissioner of Police, Mr. Umar Gwadabe, said in Uyo on Monday that the father of the baby had reported the theft to the police, leading to the arrest of the suspects.
Gwadabe said, “On March 3, 2014, a case of child stealing was reported by Mr. Eteobong James, of No. 33 Urua Ekpa Road, Itu Local Governmnet Area, to the police, where a three-day-old baby girl was sold for N260, 000.

“Based on the report, the suspects were arrested.
“Mr Emmanuel Etim Okon, was the one that arranged the infamous deal and personally conveyed the baby from the point of delivery at Nna-Enin in Uruan Local Government Area to the buyers at No. 37 Church Road, Uyo.”

The police boss explained that Regina allegedly paid N150,000 to the mother of the baby and N110,000 to Okon, the homeopathic doctor, for his services.

The commissioner stated that the accused would soon be arraigned in court and warned child thieves to steer clear of the state.
He explained that the state would not be conducive for their illicit trade.

Husband of the buyer, James, who spoke with PUNCH METRO said when his wife told him she was pregnant, he gave her money for ante-natal care, but was surprised to hear that she bought the baby.
He said, “l am a trader. My wife, Regina, told me she was pregnant and I gave her money for ante-natal. One day, she told me she was in labour and later informed me that she had been delivered of a baby girl.

“I did not know she bought the baby since she has given birth to four children, though three died.”
However, the homeopathic doctor said Regina brought the mother of the baby, Imaobong, to him so that he could take care of her during ante-natal.
He said Regina had explained to him that the father of the baby was not financially buoyant to take care of her.

He denied collecting N110,000 from Regina, stating that he only collected N30,000, which was the cost of delivery of Imaobong’s baby.
“When Regina brought Imaobong to me, she told me that the man responsible for the pregnancy was unable of take care of her.

“The N30,000 I collected from her was for the upkeep of Imaobong before and during delivery of the baby. I did not collect N110,000.”

Nigeria: Police arrests man for opening 24 accounts with one bank

The Police Special Fraud Unit has arrested a 39 year-old-man it accuses of specializing in opening multiple bank accounts under different names to defraud financial institutions and the public.
The suspect, Okonkwo Nwachukwu, was arrested after he allegedly attempted to open another savings account at a Zenith bank branch at Amuwo Odofin, Lagos.
Mr. Nwachukwu claimed the multiple accounts were to enable him beat the government’s cashless policy, to allow his business run efficiently.
But a police statement on Sunday said that Mr. Nwachukwu presented an already completed savings account opening package bearing the name of Obiozor Ifeanyi and identified himself as such with a National Identity Card.
“While the Customer Service office was checking the documents, the suspect went to the Marketing Unit and collected another savings account opening package and completed same with another name Ogueji Nnamdi and returned to the Customer Service Desk and presented same for account opening with another National Identity Card bearing Ogueji Nnamdi,” the statement said.
“This attempt to open another savings account within minutes with another identity, made the Customer Service Officer to be suspicious and consequently, she decided to search the system with phone number 08162502677 supplied by the customer and discovered that the same person had already opened about twenty-five (25) savings account at various branches bearing different names.
“It was also further alleged that he opened and operates a corporate account number 1012000129 belonging to Chukon Integrated Limited and he also identified himself as Okonkwo Nwachukwu when he opened the said account.”
The police said the suspect, who is from Okija in Ihiala local government of Anambra State, is into cargo business and accompanies goods from China to Lagos.
“The suspect confessed to the alleged crime but stated that the multiple accounts he opened was to enable him run his business successfully. That the cashless policy does not allow him to withdraw huge sum of money in one account and as such, he was advised to open multiple accounts so as to spread his money,” the statement, signed by Ngozi Isintume-Agu, Public Relations Officer, SFU, said.
“He added further that he has N50, 000.00 each in 15 different accounts while the remaining accounts have N20, 000.00, N10, 000.00 and N5, 000.00 respectively.
“He equally confessed that the National Identity Card and PHCN bills were all forged by one Pepper who is still at large. The suspect came back from China on 27th January 2014 and started the multiple account opening from 5th February, 2014 to 7th February when he was apprehended,” the police added.
Mrs. Isintume-Agu said that police are continuing their investigation to unravel the suspect’s motive behind the multiple account opening.


I let females touch my boobs when I’m in the mood – Cossy Orjiakor

Cossy orjiakor

Cossy Orjiakor always say it as it is without any form of equivocation. In this interview with the Sun Newspapers, the singer and actress opens up on many areas of her life why she rarely appears in Nollywood movies anymore, what she has against acting nude, her relationship status and more.
Read excerpts of the interview below:

It’s like you’ve been lying low for a while. Where have you been?
Yeah (giggles) I’ve been having fun really doing my own thing. But I’m working on a reality TV show designed to give back to society. I have this large heart for giving back, so I want to have a reality TV show where the winners would be encouraged to bring forth proposals which I would sponsor with the little I have. But if I could get sponsors it would be great!
For the past 10 years you’ve been active in Nollywood. Could you share your happiest moment with us?
That was when I started getting recognition back in the days when I just started acting; those were my happiest moments but right now I’m just there.

What’s been your saddest moment?
You should know now (laughter). Imagine all the false stories that they’ve published about me; ‘Cossy Orjiakor has HIV’, ‘Cossy had sex with a dog’, ‘Cossy did this and Cossy did that’. You know, that’s not cool. But I’m a fun person and I dress for the occasion. Like if I’m going for a costume party I’d wear a sexy costume and that’s a party that happens basically in the night. But the thing is that in the morning, when normal people see the pictures of the clothes in the papers, they judge me unfairly.

A lot of men including me are ogling right now. How do you handle your male fans?
I smile if they have the guts to tell me I look good, and I say ‘thank you’.

What if they want more?
I go out on my own most times. I have friends that own clubs, so if I’m bored and want to hang out; I could either go out on my own or with friends. It all depends on my mood.

I can see there’s a tattoo on your left boob. What does it signify?
It’s a rose flower. I got it a long time ago. I just wanted to know what it feels like to have a tattoo; I actually have four.

But having a tattoo on your boob must have been very painful…?
Yes, it was but I just wanted to know how it felt like having a tattoo (laughs).

You come across as a very fun loving and adventurous person. What makes you tick?
I am extremely happy; I tick because I am a happy person. I always see the comic side to everything around me especially in difficult situations.

Tell us about your love life; I mean the man in your life now?
I spent my Valentine alone.

Why did you spend Valentine alone?
I went for a party, a costume party where you dress as a sex icon at Galiante, so I wasn’t really lonely.

What’s the most romantic thing you’ve done lately?
I don’t remember.

But Valentine was only recently…?
(Giggles) I dressed up my dog and painted him; I have a canine. It was supposed to be an Alsatian dog but I was duped. When the dog became big, it was looking more like a local mongrel but just the same I love my dog, so I bought dye and painted it and gave it that unique Alsatian look and then off I went to party.

Who is in your life right now?
You know I don’t talk about men.

But your fans want to know?
I’m not lacking attention but I’m not really in a serious relationship for now.

What determines your fashion sense when you go out?
It depends on the mood I’m in and where I’m dressing for. You dress to impress and sometimes you dress to express yourself.

What’s the craziest thing a fan has done to you after seeing your boobs dangling sodangerously?
(Laughter) Yeah… I’ve had a lot of experiences especially from females. I could allow a female touch my boobs if I am in the mood. You know, they are like, ‘is it real?’ Men don’t really do much these days; it was a long time ago.

There’s this report that you once insured your boobs…?
No, no, no… that was a fake story. I don’t k now where it emanated from but it was funny any way. It all comes from this fake bloggers who compile fake stuff and publishe them online and they look so real.

What are those qualities you look out for in a man?
Physical fitness first and above every other thing; I love abs, I love a guy that works out; I love a flat tummy.

There’s this talk about a lesbian clique running Nollywood. Have they reached out to you? Have you heard about them?

Recently, you were linked with porn actress, Afrocandy. In fact, she offered you a role in her yet to be shot porn movie. Did you accept?
I’ve not met her but I think she’s a cool babe. I like her guts and Maheeda’s guts as well; they’re doing their own thing. If one way does not work, the other should; they’re paying their dues.

What about the porn movie role?
I can act in a porn movie but I can never go nude myself. If I have to act with somebody and they use a body double to do the acting, that’s fine. But as for me, I can never go nude. If you insist that I must act nude then you have to use a body double. They’ve done it before. That was when I was dancing for Obesere. They superimposed a dog on me and said I was having sex with the dog. And before I knew it everybody was calling me a porn actor! That picture was photo shopped. I can remember a guy called me up and said he had a picture of me having sex with a dog and I told him to go to hell; he wanted to blackmail me, and then he published the story and my family was embarrassed.

Those guys must have been mean. Have you forgiven them?
Yes, I don’t have time for that. I always forgive and forget; that’s why I am a happy person.

So, when are you getting married?
When I see the right man I will get married.

People have this impression that you’re hot between the sheets. How true is that?
I don’t know (blushes). I’m very good though; I believe I’m very good. Do you want to find out? (Giggles).

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done sexually?
I’m extremely adventurous believe me… when you’re adventurous you go with the flow and take over whatever happens; you don’t have a mindset of what you want to do; you just flow.

What’s been your greatest sexual experience?
If I tell, you wouldn’t believe it.

Are you not scared that the image you project may hamper your chances of getting married someday?
I’ve never lacked male attention; I’ve had my own fair share but I get scared easily because a lot of things about me might change when I get married. They will be like ‘stop this and stop that.’ Your life’s no longer yours and that scares me. When a guy’s coming after you and he’s saying ‘when we get married you’ll stop all this,’ I get scared. Once I hear that I get scared, I am extremely and fiercely independent.

Does that mean you can’t change?
I can never change and I have no apologies. I need someone who will polish me up in what I’m doing, not somebody who’ll change me. Change me to what? That sounds very unappealing.

Why don’t we see you much in movies these days?
The offers that I get are not paying enough, so I’d rather do other things that get me money.

Other things like what?
I work for myself. I get paid to go out and I have tenants that pay my rent; I’m a landlady.

Want to talk to us?
Please send an e-mail to 9jawedey@gmail.com


Money Turns Me On - Actress Lizzy Gold Onuwaje

Lizzy Gold Onuwaje is Miss Detlta State 2006 turned actress. Here is what she told Vanguard about men and wealth
“My former affair didn’t crash because I went into acting. The basic truth is, he doesn’t have money, so I decided to end the relationship. I dumped him in 2013 because he didn’t have much in terms of money and he didn’t have any push as my kind of man.
I like men that are caring. You have to be rich, caring, romantic and nice.
Some men are rich but stingy. Be rich and be willing to spend the money. If I tell you I need anything, let me get the alert. I like alerts (Laughs). Alerts turn me on.
Of course, if you don’t have money, don’t even bother to call my line; don’t even bother to admire my pictures (Laughs). I love money so much.
I can’t marry a poor man. Never! I need a rich man; I don’t want a man that is a bit okay. Money means a lot to me, in fact, money turns me on. I just need to imagine so much money in my account and I’m turned on. When I get a credit alert on my account, Oh my God, I get turned on immediately.

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