Sanusi was a mistake - Prof. Pat Utomi

Prof. Pat Utomi
Abuja-As controversy rages over the suspension of Mallam Sanusi Lamido, a renowned economist, Professor Pat Utomi has berated the tenure of Lamido as a Central Bank governor, describing his original appointment as "a huge mistake"
Reacting to the suspension of the controversial apex bank chief in a chat in Abuja, the Director of Lagos Business School, said Sanusi should never have been appointed as a Central Bank governor in the first place, declaring "it should not have happened"
Utomi joined two Senior Advocates of Nigeria, Mr. Femi Falana and Chief Mike Ozhekome who had issued legal positions on the suspension of the apex bank chief. While Falana blamed Sanusi for not resigning when so directed by President Goodluck Jonathan, Ozhekome cited alleged infringements of extant rules to justify Sanusi's suspension.
Utomi, however, faulted the nomination and appointment of Sanusi five years ago on the ground that the suspended bank chief lacked certain qualities of a Central Bank Governor
Utomi said: "It should not have happened. Sanusi's appointments was wrong in the first place. He was not suitable for the job. CBN governors all over the World are men of great discretion in actions, pronouncements and deeds."

President maintains coy stance on re-election bid

President Goodluck Jonathan
Abuja - President Goodluck Jonathan has again declined to declare his intention to contest next year’s Presidential election.

It was expected that the President would make his intentions known during the Presidential Media chat he hosted late on Monday.

“I am the sitting President, if I tell Nigerians today I am not contesting there would be issues and if I said I am contesting there would be issues. So let leave the issue. The political atmosphere in the country is already tense enough,” a non-committal Jonathan said.

Even if today I am not contesting election, I will make sure I lead my party to victory, Jonathan says."

Meanwhile, the Ijaw ethnic nationality recently called on Jonathan to declare for 2015 Presidential election, saying it was his legal right to do so.

The Acting President of Ijaw National Congress (INC) Ebieridei Charles Ambaiowei made the remarks at the 2014 Ijaw Day celebration in Yenagoa.

He urged other ethnic nationalities to join forces with the Ijaws to persuade Jonathan to heed the call to seek re-election.

“Under r the auspices of this Ijaw day activity, we appeal to our sister ethnic nationalities to join us make a definitive declaration requesting President Jonathan to recontest in 2015 since it is his constitutional right.”

He said although the election of President Jonathan had helped to elevate the status of the Ijaws in the socio-political equation in Nigeria, it would be out of place for the Ijaws to be “content with just that.”

“It is true federalism we desire and seek to enthrone in Nigeria.”

WhatsApp says to allow free voice calls by mid-year

Jan Koum
BARCELONA, Feb 24 – Fresh from a $19-billion (14-billion-euro) takeover by Facebook, mobile messaging service WhatsApp said Monday it will launch free voice calls by mid-year. The introduction of free calls, revealed on the opening day of the four-day World Mobile Congress in Barcelona, Spain, would match rival application Viber’s similar offering. “We are going to introduce voice on WhatsApp in the second quarter of this year,” WhatsApp founder Jan Koum said. Facebook, whose 29-year-old billionaire creator Mark Zuckerberg was the star speaker on the opening day of the industry fair, announced a stock and cash purchase of WhatsApp on Wednesday. “Five years ago we had no users, no product,” said Koum.

Egypt government resigns ahead of presidential poll

Egyptian prime minister Hazem al-Beblawi
CAIRO, Feb 24 – The military-installed government of Egyptian prime minister Hazem al-Beblawi said Monday it has resigned, ahead of a presidential poll which will likely bring army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to power. Sisi, by far the country’s most popular political figure, has not yet announced his candidacy for this spring’s presidential election, but aides say he has already decided to run and will make the announcement soon. The field marshal, who is the defence minister and first deputy prime minister in the outgoing cabinet, has to resign from the government and the army before he can officially announce his candidacy. Beblawi’s government was appointed in July after Sisi ousted Islamist Mohamed Morsi, Egypt’s first elected and civilian president. A limited reshuffle to allow Sisi to step aside had been planned for weeks, but the resignation of the entire cabinet appeared to come as a surprise even for some government officials. The administration has weathered sharp criticism over its handling of security and the economy amid a spate of bombings and labour strikes, and could have presented Sisi with unwanted campaign baggage. “The cabinet decided in light of the current situation that the country is going through… to submit its resignation to Adly Mansour, the interim president,” it said in a statement. Beblawi praised the government’s performance on state television. “For the past six to seven months, the government assumed its responsibilities and duties… the government did not spare any efforts to get Egypt out of a bad phase,” Beblawi said in reference to the security and economic issues. “This is not the time for personal interests. The nation is above everybody.” Beblawi said the government had also completed the first step in a road map outlined by the military-installed authorities, by holding a referendum on a new constitution in January. Beblawi said the his government would remain in a caretaker role until the interim president signs off on the resignations, the official MENA news agency reported. Government spokesman Hany Saleh told AFP that Monday’s decision was taken because there was a “feeling that new blood is needed”. “Egypt is moving forward. This decision will not affect foreign relations or internal stability,” he said, adding it was still unclear which ministers would keep their posts. 9jawedey

Jonathan Calls On Boko Haram To Surrender

Goodluck Jonathan
The Federal Government has once again called on members of the Boko Haram sect to lay down their arms and engage government in a constructive manner to address their grievances.
President Goodluck Jonathan made the call at an international seminar on the Imperatives of Observance of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Norms in Internal Security holding at the National Defence College, Abuja.
The president also recalled the directives to the service chiefs to ensure that relevant human rights are emphasised in the training of members of the armed forces in the fight against insurgency.
He however expressed regret that the Boko Haram sect does not feel obliged to basic tenets of human rights, describing them as “brutal and removed from modern civilization,” killing innocent citizens at will.

President of Uganda Joins Jonathan to sign Anti-Homosexuality Bill into law

Uganda’s President Museveni has signed the country’s anti-gay bill into law, despite warnings from US President Barack Obama that it would “complicate our valued relationship” and will mark a “step backward” for all Ugandans and reflect poorly on the country’s commitment to protect the human rights of its people.” The bill states that first-time offenders will be sentenced to 14 years in jail. Then life imprisonment for repeat offenders, as well as acts involving a minor, a disabled person or where one partner is infected with HIV. The bill originally proposed the death penalty for some homosexual acts, but that was later removed amid international criticism. In December last year, Uganda’s Parliament passed the bill but President Yoweri Museveni said he would only sign the bill into law if he had proof that gay people are ‘made’ and ‘not born’ into their sexuality. And last week he changed his stand, saying a team of Ugandan scientists had reported that there is no evidence that homosexuality is caused by genetics. However, over the weekend in South Africa, former archbishop Desmond Tutu had criticised President Museveni for supporting the bill, describing it as “evil”.

Jonathan surrounded by incompetent people –Sanusi

Goodluck and Sanusi
The suspended Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Mallam Lamido Sanusi, on Sunday described President Goodluck Jonathan  as a simple man trying to do well  but  surrounded  by “extremely incompetent and fraudulent” aides.

Sanusi   was suspended by   Jonathan on Thursday over alleged financial misconduct, an action viewed by many analysts as politically-motivated.
In an interview with the Agence France Presse  in Lagos, Sanusi said many of the people advising Jonathan  were sycophants, who did  not speak frankly about the extent of corruption in government.
He said, “When you sit with  the President, he appears a nice and  simple person who is trying   to do his best.
“His greatest failing obviously is that he is surrounded by people who are extremely incompetent, who are extremely fraudulent and whom he trusts.”
Sanusi also faulted the seizure of his international passport by security agents, claiming that it  “was the beginning of  infringement on my fundamental human rights.”
Regarding the allegations against him, the suspended CBN chief said when he  heard of a report condemning his performance, he  wrote to Jonathan in “June or July” asking if an explanation was needed, but received no reply.
But he added that the  first time he was formally notified of the allegations was the day (last Thursday) he was suspended.
He argued that  it would be too simple to describe his removal as payback for his attacks on the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.
“Since 2009, I have been annoying the government… There are   people who think I have the wrong friends;  people who think maybe I have not distanced myself enough from people who are seen to be opposition figures,” he further said.
Sanusi argued that  the extent of  graft in the NNPC might  have reached an historic high.
“I think everybody has known that NNPC is rotten. I don’t think it has ever been as bad as this,” he told  the AFP.
According to Sanusi, the so-called kerosene subsidy money spent by the Federal Government in fact pays for “private jets…yachts… and expensive property(of some public office holders)  in Beverly Hills (United States) and Switzerland.”
Sanusi,who   ruled out running for elected office,  said he  still had  a future in public service.
He  voiced his  readiness to face any attacks that might  come from those committed to preserving the status.
“If I am sacrificed in whatever way, my freedom or my life… if it does lead to better accountability, it will be well worth it,” the Kano State-born banker added.
But just as Sanusi spoke,the  Presidency  said it was in possession of different kinds of petitions against him.
It said the petitions from within and outside the  CBN  centred on the same line of breaches by him.
The Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Dr.  Reuben Abati, said this in an exclusive interview with one of our correspondents.
Abati, who was  responding to a question on whether the Presidency was in possession of a petition from Dr. Erastus Akingbola, on alleged fraudulent takeover of Intercontinental Bank,   said what was contained in the government  official record   was that Sanusi ran the CBN aground.
He said the government’s letter of suspension sent to  him could be likened to a vote of no  confidence in  him.
The Presidential aide  said, “There are  all kinds of petition  against  the suspended CBN  governors not just from Akingbola. There were so  many allegations along the same line of breaches against  him.
“There were complaints by people from the CBN and that is why the letter suspending him was very clear. In fact, that  letter was like passing a vote of no confidence in Sanusi’s  tenure.
“That is what is in the official record of the government:  that he ran the place aground;  that he ran the place with  impunity;  that he ran the place recklessly;  that he ran the place without due recourse to its  board .”
When asked if the government will encourage whoever that would succeed Sanusi    to review his  (Sanusi) policies, Abati replied,    “I don’t think we have reached that stage yet.
“The name of the proposed CBN governor has been sent to the National  Assembly. The National Assembly has yet to make a  pronouncement on it. It is still at the level of nomination.
“So the Executive will not jump the gun by beginning to talk about what whoever becomes the CBN governor should do or not  do. What we are assuring Nigerians and international investors is that the country’s monetary policy will remain  stable. Investors have nothing to fear.”
 When further asked why the government spared the CBN deputy governors despite the fact that the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria recommended that they should be sacked alongside the governor, Abati said investigation was still ongoing.
He said the objective of  the government was not to shut down the  bank.
He said, “Investigations are still continuing. In fact, if you read that report again, the first paragraph under recommendations asked for detailed investigations. “It is just commonsensical that if there is such a general indictment, the objective of government is not to shut down  the CBN. In a situation like this, it makes sense that head  is usually the symbol and investigations are continuing.
“It is not as if Sanusi has been removed, he has just been suspended to allow for further investigation. You can be sure that if any other official is indicted, such a person  will not be protected.”


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